Marketing your personal injury law firm online means knowing how to connect with people online. Commemorative days and special holidays are a great prompt to reach out and thank people for their work or raise awareness of issues that are important to your practice. Here is a collection of special days along with dates, links, and hashtags to help as you plan and schedule your content marketing calendar.
Feel free to download, print, post and share this chart – just remember to credit SEO Legal with a link.
January | ||
January |
National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month |
#TBI #Concussion #BrainInjury #WinterSports #Snowboard #Ski #Snow #Sports #Winter #JohnnyO |
January 12 |
#nationalpharmacistday #pharmacist #thankapharmacist #seniorcare |
Last week of January |
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week |
*date changes annually #drug #alcohol #health #medicine #addiction #facts #prescription #NDAFW |
February | ||
First Tuesday of February |
*different day each year but first week of Feb #SaferInternet #Internet #Cyberbullying #SID20XX (fill in year) #SaferInternetDay |
1st full week of February |
#burnawareness #besafe #burnsafety #microsurgery #safety #NBAW20XX (fill in year) |
Various days throughout the year, depends on school, mostly Feb. |
#diversity #law #equality #career #leadership #highschool |
2nd full week of February |
#RAKWeek #TeachKindness #RAK |
March | ||
March |
#TBI #braininjury #concussion #braininjuryawareness #BrainInjuryAwarenessMonth #NotAloneInBrainInjury #BIAA |
March |
#DDAwareness20XX #DevelopmentalDisabilities #autism #specialneeds #NACDD |
March 3 |
#caregiver #caregiving #appreciation #thankyou |
March 8 |
#internationalwomensday #womeninlaw #unitednations #genderequality #women #IWD20XX |
March 21 |
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination |
#jointogether #standup4humanrights #fightracism #AfricanDescent #unitednations #humanrights |
March 30 |
#doctorsday #thankadoctor #nationaldoctorsday #doctorsday20XX #MyFamilyDoctor #physicians |
2nd or 3rd week of March |
#PSAW20XX #WeAreAllPatients #PatientSafety #HealthCare#SafeStaffing #Health |
2nd or 3rd week of March |
#BAW #brainweek #mentalhealth #brain |
April | ||
April |
#SAAM #hope #PreventionIsPossible |
April |
#JustDrive #ItCanWait #StoptheTexts #DistractedDriving #RoadSafety #DistractedDrivingAwareness |
April |
#AlcoholAwareness #SoberMovement #Alcoholism #YouAreNotAlone #DrinkingPrevention #Recovery |
April 7 |
#LetsTalk #OkToSay #WorldHealthDay #WHO #BeatDepression #Depression #MentalHealth |
Varies in April |
#crimevictims #victimsrights #justice #neverforget |
May | ||
May |
#watersafety #childsafety #drowning #stopdrowning #drowningprevention |
May |
#mentalhealth #endthestigma #letstalk #depression #beatdepression #mentalillness |
May |
#trafficsafety #distracteddriving #safedriving #drivesafe #roadsafety #safeworkzones |
May 1 |
#lawday #law #legal #lawyers #attorneys #accesstojustice #LawDay20XX |
First full week of May |
North American Occupational Safety and Health Week |
#OSHA #NAOSHWEEK #Safety #Health #Workplacesafety #Workplaceinjuries #MakeSafetyaHabit |
May 4* (varies) |
National Bike to School Day |
#StayActive #NationalBikeToSchoolDay #Students #Summer #Biketoschool #Walktoschool |
May 6th |
#nationalnursesday #thankanurse #nursesrock |
May 6-12 |
#nursesweek #nurses #nationalnursesweek #thankanurse #nursesrock |
Wednesday of Nurse's Week |
#nursesweek #nurses #nationalnursesweek #thankanurse #nursesrock |
May 8 |
#nursesweek #nurses #nationalnursesweek #thankanurse #nursesrock |
May 12 |
#nursesweek #nurses #nationalnursesweek #thankanurse #nursesrock |
May 22 |
#nationalmaritimeday #seafarers #keepfreightmoving #sailingship #AmericanMaritime #JonesAct |
Last week of May |
#healthyandsafeswimmingweek #CDC #MemorialDayWeekend |
Last Sunday of May |
Memorial Day |
#boatingsafety #MemorialDayWeekend #drivesafe |
June | ||
June |
National Safety Month |
#NSM20XX #nationalsafetymonth #safetyfirst #safeforlife #safe4life #safeatwork #OSHA |
June 26 |
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking |
#ListenFirst #UnitedNations #drugabuse #trafficking #sextrafficking #illicittrafficking #Unite4Heritage |
June 28 |
#insurance #insuranceawareness #health |
July | ||
July 17 |
#internationaljusticeday #justice #humanrights #internationalrights #worlddayforinternationaljustice #UNPO |
August | ||
August 4 |
#CoastGuard #readytorespond #USCG #ThankYou |
August |
#MedicAlert #OptimalAging #MedicAlertAwareness |
August 31 |
#TimeToAct #IOAD #OverdoseAware20XX (fill in year) |
September | ||
September |
#ACPA #Pain #InvisibleIllness #InvisibleDisability #PainAwareness #PainAwarenessMonth |
September |
National Food Safety Education Month |
#NationalFoodSafety #FoodSafety #FoodSafetyEducation #EatRight #Food #Health |
September |
#NationalRecoveryMonth #SpeakUpReachOut #Alcoholism #Sober #Recovery |
Third week of September |
National Farm Safety & Health Week |
#farmsafety #health #farmhealth #AGChat #AGSafety #Agriculture #Harvest |
October | ||
October |
#Disabilities #TakethePledge #InspirePeople #TakeAction #DisabilityEmployment #EmploymentAwareness #NDEAM20XX |
October |
#StopThisNow #AgainstDomesticViolence #IamaSurvivor #RespectLife #NDVAM20XX |
October |
#ChoosePT #NPTM20XX #APTA |
October 2 |
#internationaldayofnonviolence #peace #nonviolence #dayofnonviolence #diainternacionaledelanoviolencio #UnitedNations |
October 5 |
#walktoschool #internationalwalktoschoolday #shareyourstreets #letkidswalk |
October 6 |
#depression #nationaldepressionscreeningday #depressionscreening #endstigma #helpyourselfhelpothers |
October 10 |
#worldmentalhealthday #WMHD1X #mentalhealth #WMHD #letstalk |
Third week of October |
#nationalhealthcarequaliltyweek #healthcarequality #healthcare #nationalhealth |
November | ||
Early November |
#LoveYourLawyerDay #lawyers #loveyourattorney #lawyersneedlovetoo |
November |
#Caregivers #caregiving #caregiverappreciation #homecare #family #nationalfamilycaregiversmonth #thankyou |
November 13 |
#caregiverappreciationday #caregiverappreciation #caregivers #thankcaregivers |
November 14 (always) |
#OperatingRoomNurseDay #ORLife #Nurses #ORNurses #health |
December | ||
December |
#safetoysandgiftsmonth #toys #gifts #safety |
December 10 |
#HumanRightsDay #HumanRights #UnitedNations |
December 24 |
Christmas Eve |
#drivesafe #dontdrinkdrive #ChristmasEve |
December 31 |
New Year's Eve |
#drivesafe #dontdrinkdrive #NewYearsEve |
Researched and compiled by editors at