In the day and age of the internet and social media, direct mail marketing still has its place at law firms. However, a lot of time and money can be wasted if a law firm makes certain marketing mistakes. Consider these tips for direct mail marketing: Don’t forget your clients. Some law offices are so focused on gaining new business that they forget their true “bread and … [Read more...]
5 Effective Law Firm Marketing Techniques
Are you frustrated with your law firm’s marketing techniques and believe you’re wasting money and spinning your wheels? Read these five tips to help boost the marketing of your firm and gain more clients for your business: Use video on your website. YouTube is now the fourth most popular website and has even begun sponsoring presidential debates. It’s important to recognize … [Read more...]
4 Reasons Why Law Firm Marketing Plans Fail
Is the marketing plan that your law firm designed for your business actually being put to use, or is it collecting dust on the shelves? Has it been communicated to all the staff or was it just a formality? There are many reasons why marketing plans fail to help grow law firms. Below are some of the most common reasons... No clear purpose. What goals have you set forth … [Read more...]
Tips to Make Your Legal Website Mobile Friendly
The future of the internet lies in the hands of the individuals who constantly search using their smartphones. Laptops and desktops are still heavily used, but in this day and age of “on the go” the mobile device is a popular choice for most people to conduct their daily business. In November 2014, for the first time mobile searches on Google surpassed desktop and laptop … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Lose Online Clients
The world is full of competition, and that’s no different when it comes to the legal landscape and how people select a law firm to represent them. Establishing a good reputation in your community goes a long way, as well as establishing a credible and interesting website to attract new clients while keeping your existing clientele. Listed below are five ways you could … [Read more...]