Top-level domains (TLDs) are hot button topics in the world of SEO today. Three TLDs that exist are .ATTORNEY, .LIVE, and .NEWS, and they are starting to have an effect on search engine rankings. Google is trying to show users that .COM is not the only domain that is safe and that TLDs do not come as a disadvantage when it comes to their algorithm. In an experiment, Globe … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Your Law Firm Should Consider Content Marketing
One of the easiest ways your law firm can utilize marketing to increase both the organic and referral traffic to your website, as well as your firm’s authority and trust, is through solid legal copywriting. If you’re not already employing content marketing, here is why you should consider doing so. Reason #1: Content helps your firm take action. Law firm content has the … [Read more...]
How Content Marketing Can Help Your Law Firm
With so many lawyers in one area, you’ve got to make yourself stand out from the crowd! Having a good SEO strategy is just one way that you can accomplish this. Within the realm of SEO, there are various methods you can employ to increase your visibility. One such way is through content marketing. Often, smaller law firms are more open to blogging and content … [Read more...]
Legal Marketing Tips for 2016
Every law firm must seek new ways to outwit, outmaneuver and outlast competition. Effective marketing is one of the biggest challenges legal practices face these days and it must be done properly and in a timely manner. Are you hoping for a fresh start for your law firm in 2016? As 2015 comes to a close, evaluate how your firm has done over this past year and find ways … [Read more...]
Recipe for Creating a Successful Legal Blog
One of the easiest (and best) ways to increase the amount of traffic flowing into your website and enhance your law firm’s reputation is through blogging. Some people mistake blogging as platform that basically functions as a digital diary. However, a blog for a company or law firm must be so much more than that if it is to do what it’s supposed to. The fact is, if you blog … [Read more...]