Maintaining a vibrant website and blog is a big commitment for a law firm. The temptation to “set it and forget it” is an easy one to fall into after the launch. But if the firm’s website is going to fulfill its potential, it needs steady care and feeding. What’s the value of a blog for lawyers? If the partners get compensated in the $200-$300 per hour range, it may be hard … [Read more...]
Law Firm SEO: This One Thing Matters Above All Else
Any understanding of good law firm SEO has to begin by not trying to reinvent the wheel. The basics of law firm SEO are the same as the SEO basics for any other business. You start with an SEO audit—where a competent professional reviews your site architecture—along with tactics like link building and having good content. That’s the basic block-and-tackle formula for … [Read more...]
Law Firms Should Avoid These 4 Marketing Mistakes
Not all companies who develop or redesign websites do so with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. Hiring a non-SEO forward website design company is one of the biggest mistakes a law firm can make when they’re trying to improve their business. Failure to consider SEO for your firm’s website can lead to a lengthy (and expensive) SEO audit and, more importantly, it can … [Read more...]
Basic Blogging Tips Your Law Firm Should Know
If you’re looking to expand your law firm’s online presence, then creating a blog to host your firm’s content is an effective way to do this. But before you run to the internet and throw a blog together using a template, you should be aware that in order for your firm’s blog to show up in Google searches or to have any link building potential, you must ensure that: Your … [Read more...]
5 SEO Tips Your Law Firm Should Be Utilizing Right Now
Want to improve your law firm’s search engine optimization (SEO) practices in 2018? Consider implementing these five SEO methods. 1. Perfect On-page SEO Expect on-page SEO to continue to be a vital piece of Google’s algorithm for the near future because of the user experience (UX) it provides. Moreover, on-page SEO provides your users with context and organization for your … [Read more...]