It's been said that location is the most important factor in real estate—actually that location, location and location are the 3 most important factors. While that adage referred to physical property, it's no less true of virtual space in your digital marketing efforts. And for a brick-and-mortar business providing a localized service—such as a law firm—no location is more … [Read more...]
What Legal Analytics Is And How It’s Changing The Practice Of Law
The data revolution is transforming every sector of the economy and the legal profession is no different. The ability of technology to track seemingly minor details of case history and make them accessible to an attorney at a moment’s notice is called legal analytics. It’s going to make the difference between a lawyer who is merely knowledgeable and one who actually wins … [Read more...]
Make Online Visits Count: How Law Firms Can Use Google Analytics
Is your law firm getting the most from its website? If it’s something that was put up as an afterthought at the firm’s founding, then the answer is probably not. Maybe now is the time you’re thinking about a serious upgrade in your digital marketing. If that’s the case, then you need to learn more about how law firms can use Google Analytics. The first step is to answer a … [Read more...]
4 Habits of Effective Law Firm Marketing
Law firm marketing is rapidly changing and becoming more challenging. Whereas old-school methods like billboards and the Yellow Pages are inherently limited in how much advertising they can offer, the Internet is different. Every lawyer can easily get a website and with most people turning to the web when they need legal assistance, you can’t afford to be left behind. Here are … [Read more...]
Ensure Mobile-Friendliness To Get More Personal Injury Cases
Depending on where you live, the average personal injury lawyer makes anywhere from $65,000 to $95,000 a year. You want to get to the higher end of that spectrum and eventually exceed it, but there’s only so many billable hours in a day and only so much time you can spend hanging around the emergency room in search of the next client. A smart online strategy, undergirded by … [Read more...]