Want to improve your law firm’s search engine optimization (SEO) practices in 2018? Consider implementing these five SEO methods.
1. Perfect On-page SEO
Expect on-page SEO to continue to be a vital piece of Google’s algorithm for the near future because of the user experience (UX) it provides. Moreover, on-page SEO provides your users with context and organization for your content, as well as creating pathways for easy navigation.
Here are four ways to accomplish this goal:
- Ensure all 404 errors are fixed
- Organize headers and give your content context
- Use internal links
- Use meta titles and descriptions that compel readers
2. Pay attention to mobile users
Google tends to prioritize mobile sites over desktop ones because of the increased volume of mobile users. When designing your firm’s mobile website, consider these three aspects:
- Your website should either be mobile or responsive
- Help your website load faster by optimizing and reducing image sizes
- Ensure your firm’s website is as fast as possible to counteract slow connections
HTTPS wins this battle for security reasons alone. An SSL certificate boosts your ranking slightly with Google and allows your users to trust that your firm will keep their data safe.
4. Content remains king
Since content is always going to be important for websites, your best bet is to figure out what kind of information your current and prospective clients will be looking for and offer it better and faster than your competitors. Additionally, you can attract clients by providing content that’s both helpful and relevant to them.
5. Build a successful social media following
Social media has become a staple. Most potential clients view a firm’s social media account as research before choosing to use that attorney. If you’re using a social media profile for your firm, the profile needs to be active and updated regularly. This not only builds a sense of faith between your firm and your clients, but it also lets them know you’re eager to connect with clients.
For more resources on how to improve your SEO strategy, continue browsing our blog.