Has your firm been skeptical of the notion that Facebook marketing for lawyers really works?
The skepticism, while understandable, is unwarranted; your law firm can reap long-term benefits from doing Facebook advertising in the right way.
Get started by following these 5 tips.
Tip #1: Start with great content
This advice really applies to just about everything in digital marketing. If your website doesn’t have content worth digesting, nothing else really matters. When it comes to Facebook, the greatest marketing strategy in the world won’t matter if there’s not something compelling to click on.
So if you haven’t developed a good library of content that you want to share with a Facebook audience, get started on that immediately. If you do have a nice selection of blog posts, videos and podcasts, then we’re ready to start marketing.
Tip #2: Promote events
In-person events are ideal to promote to a Facebook audience. In these pandemic days, in-person might be replaced with a Zoom “open house,” but if you and your attorneys are out speaking on legal topics of interest, then Facebook is the place to promote them. Events, whether in-person or virtual, are a way to move beyond social media and into actual interaction.
Tip #3: Be detailed in your targeting
Facebook offers a plethora of ways to target your audience. Don’t hesitate to make it as detailed as possible. You can use geo-targeting to make sure you only find prospects in your home area. Your clientele probably shows a pattern regarding age—i.e. an estates and will practice would likely have older clients. Get as specific as you need to regarding age targeting.
People also tell Facebook a lot about themselves via the pages and posts they like. The social media giant collects that information and allows you to target people based on specific interests. Be sure to do some deep thinking about what your typical prospect is interested in.
If your first ad turns out to be too targeted, then by all means broaden the scope. However, there’s a lot of people on Facebook, so start with a narrow target and build outward.
Tip #4: Be broad in your campaign objectives
Facebook will ask you what your specific goal is for this campaign. There will be some attractive options like “Get more clients” or “Increase conversions.” Of course, that’s the ultimate goal of all marketing efforts. But for this case, pick the broadest one possible—“Get clicks for my website.”
Tip #5: Integrate remarketing
Why are we being so broad in the campaign objective when the demographic info was so detailed? Because we’re just aiming to get the ideal person to the website 1 time so they can be immersed into the pool of remarketing.
If you run a Google Ads campaign, you may already be using remarketing. Getting people to your website from Facebook means they’ll also start seeing your ads on Google. You can also install a Facebook pixel on your site which will enable remarketing within Facebook itself.
Therefore, you can save the detailed campaign objectives for later in the marketing funnel. For the purposes of your Facebook ad, just get people to the website.