Many law firms spend time and money to create a great website hoping to attract clients. Sometimes, however, the site visitors never convert into actual clients, leaving firm owners frazzled. Why does this problem happen, and how can you avoid it? When your well-designed legal website has attracted a potential client, he or she will hopefully contact your law firm. … [Read more...]
6 Reasons Your Law Firm Should Consider Blogging
Attorneys don’t always make the best bloggers. However, try to equate blogging with forcing yourself to eat something healthy - like kale. You may not like it, but you understand the benefits! Blogging is the kale of marketing. While not always fun, it’s one of the best methods for attracting potential clients. So while attorneys may not feel that it plays to their … [Read more...]
Top-Level Domains and SEO Rankings for Law Firms
Top-level domains (TLDs) are hot button topics in the world of SEO today. Three TLDs that exist are .ATTORNEY, .LIVE, and .NEWS, and they are starting to have an effect on search engine rankings. Google is trying to show users that .COM is not the only domain that is safe and that TLDs do not come as a disadvantage when it comes to their algorithm. In an experiment, Globe … [Read more...]
2 Strategies for Implementing Conversion Rate Optimization
In the space between where SEO comes to an end and content marketing takes up the mantel, conversion rate optimization (CRO) steps up. At its most basic, the function of CRO is to discern which aspects of a legal website isn’t working and decide ways to fix them. Two strategies law firms can use to bring CRO into practice include: A/B Testing A/B testing is both the most … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Your Law Firm Should Consider Content Marketing
One of the easiest ways your law firm can utilize marketing to increase both the organic and referral traffic to your website, as well as your firm’s authority and trust, is through solid legal copywriting. If you’re not already employing content marketing, here is why you should consider doing so. Reason #1: Content helps your firm take action. Law firm content has the … [Read more...]